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Tin of Olive Oil Seasoning Spices, 2 oz. (OOSS23) | Rancho Azul y Oro

Have you ever been in a restaurant eagerly awaiting that moment that they bring you a warm, crusty baguette accompanied by a bowl of spices, fresh chopped garlic, and in a very ceremonial manner, pour olive oil into the spices and garlic and wished you could have that at home whenever you'd like? 


Well, now you can!  Our olive oil seasoning spices are made from the freshest herbs and seasonings and handcrafted using our own recipe. Each tin will provide approximately 20 bread-dipping experiences and the recipe to make your own is on the bottom of the tin. This is an ideal wedding or event favor.                             

Olive Oil Seasoning Spices, 2 oz. (OOSS23) | Rancho Azul y Oro

Excluding Sales Tax

                Our Farm and Farm store are temporarily closed until May 14.  We look forward to hearing from you after May 14.

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