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  • Writer's pictureKathryn Keeler

26 Recipes: Make Your Thanksgiving Healthier Using Olive Oil 🌿

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

Photo of an alfresco large celebration dinner table

We've all read about the benefits of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), but the trick is, how can we incorporate it into our daily lives, especially at the holidays?

First, let's dispel some myths.

  1. "You can't bake with olive oil." Untrue. According to the North American Olive Oil Association, not only is it possible, you should. Our choice for baking is Arbequina EVOO, but all olive oil will work. Read more . . .

  2. "Olive Oil has a low smoke point, so you shouldn't cook with it." Untrue. According to the Culinary Institute of America, "you can, and should, cook with olive oil even under high heat." You can read more about that here.

So now that we know that you can cook and bake with olive oil at all temperatures, we've curated some perfect recipe options in all categories that use EVOO, so all you have to do is look down the list, choose an item, and add it to your master list. There's a huge surprise on the list -- and it has to do with whipped cream.

Without further adieu, let's get out the best EVOO for cooking and get cooking.

Illustration of an olive branch

26 Recipes using Olive Oil for Thanksgiving Dinner

Do you have a favorite recipe you make for Thanksgiving that uses olive oil? Please share it with us!

Until our next article, Bon Appétit!

Illustration of an olive branchc


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